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South Valley Neurology

Neurologists located in Morgan Hill, CA

As you age, your risk of developing recurrent fainting issues, known as syncope, increases. To prevent injuries and identify potential factors that cause syncope, the team at South Valley Neurology offers the latest diagnostic technologies on-site at their offices. The expert medical team carefully listens to your symptoms to pinpoint potential triggers for fainting and other syncope-related symptoms. To schedule an evaluation for syncope, please call our office number 669-207-0046.

Syncope Q & A

What is syncope?

Syncope is a temporary loss of consciousness, more commonly known as fainting. The condition occurs when you don’t have proper blood flow to your brain, often due to low blood pressure or slow heart rate.

In some cases, syncope is a benign condition. However, if it occurs frequently, it may be an indication of an underlying medical issue. Neurologic syncope can trigger various conditions, including:

  • Seizure
  • Stroke
  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
  • Migraines

Another common cause of neurologic syncope is normal pressure hydrocephalus. This condition causes excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to accumulate in your brain, resulting in thinking problems, loss of bladder control, and difficulty walking. 

Who is at risk of syncope?

Syncope affects all types of people, but your risk increases as you get older. This is particularly true if you’re over the age of 75. 

Syncope typically isn’t considered a neurological problem, but it may point to an increased risk of brain-related disorders later on, including diabetic neuropathy, Parkinson’s disease, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). 

What are the symptoms of syncope?

If you have neurologic syncope, you may feel flushed in the face or warm throughout your body. You may also experience nausea, fainting, dizziness, or lightheadedness.

These symptoms are most common when you’re in a standing position. You may also notice your vision changes, with objects appearing gray or the development of tunnel vision. Some people don’t experience any symptoms before fainting.

How is syncope diagnosed?

Initial consultations involve a review of your medical history and your current symptoms. The team at South Valley Neurology also performs a physical exam, checking for abnormalities that can trigger syncope.

If you have recurrent episodes of fainting, the team can administer diagnostic tests to determine whether your syncope is neurology-related. They can recommend electromyography (EMG) to learn more about your muscles or nerve conduction studies to record the electrical output of your nerves.

What treatments are available for syncope?

Treatment for syncope depends on your unique symptoms and their effect on your quality of life. Following a comprehensive evaluation, the team at South Valley Neurology might recommend:

  • Prescription medications
  • Wearing compression garments to improve circulation
  • Eating a healthy, balanced diet
  • Avoiding substances like caffeine and alcohol
  • Identifying and avoiding syncope triggers

If you’re living with syncope, schedule an appointment at South Valley Neurology. Call the office to speak with a caring staff member today.